Greetings! Emotional support animals can reduce anxiety and increase support in their caretakers. Research indicates that having a supportive animal can improve our overall and mental health. If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, sleep and concentration, a supportive animal may be helpful for you.
Emotional Support Animals are not service animals. Service animals provide a specific service and perform a task. Emotional Support Animals are not simply supportive pets they provide value to you and your family. They are protected under the housing laws. Visit to learn more.
Getting an ESA Letter for yourself allows you to keep your supportive animal in the home with you. Landlords are required to accept an ESA letter for you to keep the supportive animal in the home with you.
If you are experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia (inability to sleep), poor concentration, depression, fatigue, etc., an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) may help you. Please check your local shelter for adoption options as these animals can be a great support to us.
To get an ESA letter:
- Must live in Texas, Virginia, South Carolina or Florida
- Complete an assessment
- Receive an evaluation from licensed therapist (phone or video call)
- Pay $150
- Receive letter to submit to your landlord (please let us know if additional paperwork is needed)
Email or schedule through this link.
Frequently Asked Questions for Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letters
Why do I need to live in Texas, Virginia, South Carolina or Florida?
Our clinicians are licensed in Texas and only able to help residence of Texas, Virginia, South Carolina or Florida.
How much does an ESA Letter cost?
The ESA Letter process will cost $150 per emotional support animal.
What questions will I need to answer?
You will be asked questions about your situation, your symptoms and your mental health. It is important to be honest. The more information provided to the clinician, the better your chances of being approved for an ESA Letter.
Will I be charged if not approved for a letter?
While most people who apply do qualify for an ESA Letter, if you are not approved, you will not be charged.
How do I get started?
Email or schedule through this link.